Moon Effects in Viswavasu Nama Samvatsara (2025-26)

Moon is the Dhaanyadhipati (Cereals and Grains etc) for Vedic New Year Viswavasu Nama Samvatsara (2025-26). Prices of Rice, Wheat, Cereals will go up and down. Businessmen who deal with exports or imports on sea, fisheries, aquaculture, pearls, corals, drinking water, alcohol, educational societies, coconuts, fruit … Read more

Moon Effects in Durmukhi Nama Samvatsara (2016-17)

Moon is the Rasadhipati for Vedic New Year Durmukhi Nama Samvatsara (2016-17). This year, Moon (Chandra) controls all artificial beverages, fruit juices, alcohol, drugs etc. Women will continue to dominate men in arts, adventurous sports and politics. Few women will get elected to powerful positions in … Read more