Mars Stationary Retrograde 2024-25 in Cancer-Gemini

Mars Stationary Retrograde 2024-2025 will in between Cancer (Karkataka) and Gemini (Mithuna) during October 2024 – April 2025. Mars has already entered retrograde zone in early October and started slowing down before it entered Cancer on 20th October 2024. Usually Mars takes around 45 days to … Read more

Mars Rahu conjunct 2022 in Aries, Angaraka Yoga

Mars Rahu conjunction 2022 will happen in Aries (Mesha Rasi) on 27 June at 02:15 IST. This is Angaraka Yoga, where Mars is conjunct Rahu or Ketu (where it receives direct aspect from Rahu) and this destroys functional significations of Mars. Both Mars, Rahu will be … Read more

Mars Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius 2022, Effects

Mars is already transiting Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) and conjunct Venus till 27th April 2022. Saturn will entering Aquarius temporarily for 77 days on 28th April 2022 at 15:03 IST and these 3 planets will be in same sign briefly for 62 minutes, with Venus moving into … Read more

Transit Mars in Aspect to Natal Mercury

Natal house is the sign where a planet was originally placed during your time of birth. If Mercury was placed in Gemini in your personal horoscope, then during transit, Mars forming conjunction (in Gemini), sextile (aspect of 60° which are Aries and Leo in this case), … Read more

Transit Mars in Aspects to Natal Neptune

Natal Neptune is the sign where your Neptune was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Neptune in Scorpio, then your natal house is Scorpio (Vrischika Rasi) and during transit, MARS forming conjunction (in Scorpio), sextile … Read more

Transit Mars in Aspect to Natal Uranus

Natal Uranus is the sign where your Uranus was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Uranus in Libra, then your natal house is Libra (Thula Rasi) and during transit, MARS forming conjunction (in Libra), sextile … Read more