Number 9 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 9 , if you are born on 9,18,27 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are strong with the intense energy that seems to burst at seems. You are constantly active and do not rest until you reach … Read more

Sublord of 7th Cusp Placement and Results

Sublord of 7th cusp, its relation with other significators and Results in Krishnamurthi Paddhati 1. MARRIAGE: -If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies the 2nd- 7th-and 11th and connected (signification) with inflicted VENUS, ones marriage is promised and the same fructifies during the conjoining … Read more

Diseases and Planets – Connections

There are two types of diseases : 1. Physical Diseases : Fever, Headache, Bodyaches,Cold, Pain in joints, weak nerves,Blood pressure, Diabetes, Acidity, Cancer, Flu etc. 2. Mental Diseases : Depression, Fear, Insomnia, Any emotion in excess, Restlessness, Wavering thoughts, uncontrollable sexual desires, Grudge etc. Sun effects … Read more

Sex – Homo Sexuality – Spirituality

First of all, one should know that the concept of sex should not be magnified and should not be given over attention. Sex is a biological need of the body like hunger and thirst. It is a biological issue at physical level because, when the food … Read more