Predictions for birth number 1 and fadic number 1

Method to calculate birth number and fadic number : If you are born on dates 1,10,19,28 of any month, then your birth number is 1. The single number remaining after adding up numbers in date, is taken. How to find your fadic number : if you … Read more

Gemstone Remedy – A Myth

This gemstone remedy amuses me. To this day nobody has found a single Sashtra, which prescribes gems as a “remedy” for anything – from Parashara in 3000BC to anyone in 21st century AD!! So based on what are we supposed to prescribe gems as “remedies“? A … Read more

Jupiter in 12 different signs and Luck factor

Jupiter’s position by sign in the Rasi Chakra (that is, the sign that Jupiter occupies in the birth chart) reveals how we attract luck and good fortune and also express our generosity and tolerance. It shows how we go about trusting others and improving our lives. … Read more

Lucky Colors and Astrological Remedies

The visible light, which is a mixture of seven colors, gets manifested in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR). These colors originate from the Sun and travel in different wave lengths with varying energy intensities. The visible light is the source of all … Read more

How planets make you look at this world

Understanding your natal chart, or that of another, can be simplified by a straightforward and fun exercise: assigning roles to each personal planet (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) and imagining exactly how these individual “players” might get along inside us! In a general sense, … Read more

How much money can you make

The amount of money an individual will earn or possess depends upon 2 important factors viz., efforts in the right direction and the dhana yogas in his/her natal chart. But for few people money comes the easy way, some earn through lotteries, and some through programmes … Read more