Mars and Motivation Factor


What motivates people? What gets them out of bed in the morning? How do they go about getting what they want? Look to the position of Mars in the natal chart for answers. Mars in the Elements Mars in Fire people (that is, those with Mars … Read more

Heart Attacks and Diseases – Reasons in horoscope

Heart place is controlled by 4th and 5th houses in your horoscope and, planets in Cancer sign, sublords of 3rd, 4th and 5th cusps and significators of fourth and fifth houses(K.P), combinations and aspects of sun with jupiter or saturn. Malefic planets placed in 4th house, … Read more

Remedies for malefic planets in horoscope

When one or more planets in a horoscope becomes debilitated, combust, conjunct rahu/ketu or malefic, or owns/occupies 6,8,12 houses it gives negative results. To reduce their negative impact , we need to follow these remedies : Sun : If sun is weak or malefic, person will … Read more

MARS effects on different Ascendants

The two terms, ‘Karma and Artha‘ are self explanatory in nature in all cultures. In Christianity there are parables that define it again and again. In all Indian Scriptures, the value of materialistic gain is directly connected to duty. Of course there are issues that preach … Read more