Development and safety of Embryo in Womb for 9 months

In the human race a child is born approximately (nearly) after 280 days of conception. In fact, this calculation is related to the mensuration cycle. Generally, a women gets mensuration after 28 days, this is called (known as) monthly mensuration cycle (periods). A child is born … Read more

Remedies for Pregnant Women

In general Guru (Jupiter) preethi (remedy OR pleasing) would be effective to give luck of pregnancy. If you are anxious to get a baby you may observe the following: • Observe Thursday fasting (you may skip a meal in nights and instead you can take fruits … Read more

Chinese Birth Gender Chart

Based on the Chinese Gender Chart, the gender of a baby is determined by only two factors, which are the mother’s age of conception and the month of conception, see the chart below. Chinese Gender Chart / Chinese Pregnancy Calendar Month of Conception Mother’s Age 1st … Read more

Sex of a Child through Ruling Planets in K.P

K.P ( Krishnamurthi Paddathi )Horary is a formula based on the ruling planet. A number between 1 and 249 is selected by the querist along with his/her specific question. The query is the tallied with the relevant houses connected with the subject. A lady was in … Read more

Marriage, married life, children and divorce

MARRIAGE: The 7th cusp sub lord indicates ones marriage. If he is a significator to 2nd and 11th houses, ones marriage is promised. If the same 7th cusp sub lord is a significator to 1st or 6th or 10th his marriage is denied in most cases. … Read more

Sublord of 5th Cusp Placement and Results

SUBJECT MATTERS PERTAINING TO 5TH CUSP SUBLORD in KRISHNAMURTI PADDHATI 1. Childbirth: -The houses 2nd, 5th, 11th indicate birth of a child, if the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies the 2nd, 5th, and 11th houses. Birth of a child is denied, if the 5th … Read more