Health Ailments according to the position of Mounts

We find two different situations arising when we throw a glance at the palm. The first condition resembles a pit while in the other one it is elevated (raised). Contrary this, several times apart from both the above mentioned conditions, i.e. pit like or elevated, there … Read more

Marriage Line – position and direction

The marriage line is usually cutting the percussion horizontally on the side of the hand between the line of heart and the base of the fourth finger pentrating slightly into the mount of mercury. One may have one line, multiple lines or even no lines of … Read more

Line of Intuition – position and direction

The Intuition line usually originates from somewhere near the Life line, down low, and slants at a left diagonal through the palm (if reading the right hand). It may or may not touch and/or cross the Head line and Heart line. It may be solid, or … Read more

Destiny through Fate Line

We often blame our fate saying that ‘it was not meant for me’ when we lose an opportunity. What if we could find out what our fate holds? The fate line can reveal what will be the important trends in our life. Palmistry says that there … Read more

Palmistry, A Science – an Introduction

Every human is in one or the other way associated with a divine science. Few believe in total surrender to the God, few believe in prayers, few believe in one supreme power, and few others believe in astrology. Suppose, a person is to say that HE … Read more

Prospect of settling abroad in your hands

It is an inherent desire of most people to travel to foreign countries. Many of them go to spend their vacations, and some of them go and get settled there for a better lifestyle. While approaching an astrologer, lot of people have this doubt in their … Read more