Monthly and Daily planners based on Birth Star

Monthly and daily predictions in vedic astrology are usually given based on your Moon Sign(Rashi) which is wider with 9 divisions of 3 constellations(nakshatra) but is narrower than Sun signs which span a whole month. To narrow these predictions further one can find monthly and daily … Read more

Sublord of 7th Cusp Placement and Results

Sublord of 7th cusp, its relation with other significators and Results in Krishnamurthi Paddhati 1. MARRIAGE: -If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies the 2nd- 7th-and 11th and connected (signification) with inflicted VENUS, ones marriage is promised and the same fructifies during the conjoining … Read more

Lucky Colors and Astrological Remedies

The visible light, which is a mixture of seven colors, gets manifested in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR). These colors originate from the Sun and travel in different wave lengths with varying energy intensities. The visible light is the source of all … Read more

Remedies for Malefic Mercury in Horoscope

In astrological parlance Mercury has been understood as an externally variable, vacillating, convertible, neutral and dualistic planet. Mercury reflects the mentality of an individual, governs the reaction to our senses and impressions and rules over the central nervous system. As an intellectual planet it represents intelligence, … Read more

Relation between 9 Months of Pregnancy and 9 Planets

During pregnancy of a woman, first month is ruled by Venus. The semen continues to be in liquid state. Second month is governed by Mars. Embryo solidifies. Third month is ruled by Jupiter. Limbs are formed. Fourth month is ruled by Sun. Bones are formed. Fifth … Read more

How planets make you look at this world

Understanding your natal chart, or that of another, can be simplified by a straightforward and fun exercise: assigning roles to each personal planet (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) and imagining exactly how these individual “players” might get along inside us! In a general sense, … Read more