Winter Styling trends for 12 moon signs

Why people are drawn toward street wear, retro or psychedelic colours, while many refuse to look beyond the minimalistic look? Yes, your moon sign in astrology does reveal a lot about you and the choices you make. Aries Fire sign Aries, you can pull of anything … Read more

Violet color treatment for common diseases

Sir Issac Newton discovered that solar rays have 2 colors, VIBGYOR(Violet, Indigo, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green) in it during 17th century but thousands of years back indian sages wrote in Rig Veda about 7 colors of sunrays. Suryasya saptarassibhi (Rig Veda 8-72-16) Saptvaaharitoradevahantidevasurya (Rig Veda 1-50-8) … Read more

Favourite color and your likes or dislikes

Everyone has some favourite colours and some colours which he/she dislikes. This attraction and repulsion towards colours is an indicator of one’s character. A person’s character can to a certain extent be judged from his/her likes & dislikes regarding different colours. Brown: If Brown is your … Read more

Cosmic Colors based on your Zodiac Signs

In vedic astrology, the use of gems, colours, mantras, deities, rituals and other means of adjusting our subtle environment have always been a part of the remedial measures prescribed in astrology. Colours stars and moods are three different variables – but in the whole spectrum of … Read more

Lucky Colors and Astrological Remedies

The visible light, which is a mixture of seven colors, gets manifested in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR). These colors originate from the Sun and travel in different wave lengths with varying energy intensities. The visible light is the source of all … Read more