Mercury Retrograde 2023 Dates & Effects

Mercury Retrograde 2023 occurs 4 times, one extra time than it does every year. During these days, it slows down and appears to transit in retrograde motion when compared to speed of earth and also gets combust due to close proximity with Sun. Before Mercury Retrograde … Read more

Transit Mercury through Natal Houses

Natal house is the sign where a planet was originally placed during your time of birth. If Mercury was placed in Aries in your personal horoscope, then Mercury transit through that sign (Aries) is called Transit Mercury through Natal 1st House and remaining houses are counted … Read more

Twin Exaltation of Venus and Jupiter during February-March 2015

Venus, the biggest benefic in modern times, which also controls luxuries, money, success in business, glamour, popularity, relations with opposite gender will be exalted in Pisces between 16th february – 12th March 2015. During this time, another major benefic planet Jupiter will also be exalted but … Read more

Effects of Mercury Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope

How to know if planet Mercury Benefic or Malefic in individual or mundane horoscope chart Mercury in Vedic Astrology rules over your friends, maternal uncle, neighbours, relatives, communication skills, speech, sense of humor, writing skill, etc. Mercury stays in each sign for about 30 days and … Read more