Vaastu tips for Bedroom and Improved Sexual Relations

Although everyone knows that good sexual relations are foundation for successful marriage, many couples neglect the way their bedrooms look. Many of them make it appear like a mini-store room. There are few things to be maintained and few to be avoided in bedroom to maintain … Read more

Vasthu basics in Atharvana Veda

Atharvaveda (Atharvana Veda) is the fourth Veda (Knowledge) in the ancient sanskrit literature in India. Atharva Veda and its Upanishads were mainly composed by two groups of rishis known as the Atharvanas and the Angirasa, hence its oldest name is Ātharvāṅgirasa. Later many seers contributed towards … Read more

Vaasthu guidelines for kitchen construction

Vastu guidelines for constructing safer kitchen Kitchen is the place where housewives spend most of the time of the day chorus job. That is why we cannot under emphasize importance of proper vastu for the kitchen. If proper vastu rules are not followed in the kitchen … Read more

Vaasthu rules for number of Doors and Windows

Vaasthu Shastra prescribes few rules for total number of doors and windows, while constructing a new house. Even for existing house, which is bought or rented, these rules should be applied and necessary modifications should be done. Eventhough doors and windows are for insulation purpose, maximum … Read more

10 important DOs of Vaasthu

Here are the most important dos of Vaastu that when adhered to will surely bring in good luck and prosperity! 1.Make sure the plot used to build a house is square, rectangular, circle or oval shaped. 2.Place the bed in such a way that your head … Read more