Saturn in Taurus or Libra, aspected by other Planets

Karmic planet Saturn if placed in Friendly sign of Taurus (Vrishabha) and exalted sign of Libra (Thula) and aspected by Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus delivers different results according to Vedic Astrology. These aspects should be measured from an individual horoscope casted based on … Read more

Saturn in Aries or Scorpio, aspected by other Planets

Karmic planet Saturn if placed in Inimical signs of Aries (Mesha) and Scorpio (Vrischik) and aspected by Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus delivers different results according to Vedic Astrology. These aspects should be measured from an individual horoscope casted based on their accurate birth … Read more

Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio 2016 March-August, Effects

Saturn, the strongest Karmic planet will turn into retrograde motion while transiting Vrischik Rasi (Scorpio) on 25 March 2016 at 14:40 IST (09:10 UTC) according to K.P Ayanamsa. It will be back in direct motion from 13 August 2016 at 14:09 IST (08:39 UTC). Before Saturn … Read more

Total Solar Eclipse 9 March 2016, Effects

Surya Grahan or Solar Eclipse 9 March 2016, with 8 planets influencing Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) create health, financial, psychological, relation effects on 12 zodiac signs according to Vedic Astrology

Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio 2015 March-August, Effects

Saturn, the biggest Karmic influencing planet will turn into retrograde motion while transiting Vrischik Rasi (Scorpio) on 14 March 2015 at 19:05 IST (13:35 UTC) according to K.P Ayanamsa. It will be back in direct motion from 02 August 2015 at 09:49 IST (04:19 UTC). During … Read more