Mars Effects in Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25)

Mars is King, Sasyadhipati (Agriculture) and Neerasadhipati (diseases) for Vedic New Year Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25). Mars controls Administration, agriculture and diseases in Sri Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25). Frequent rebellion groups act against governments and also go to courts against new laws. Much stricter laws will … Read more

Jupiter Effects in Plava Nama Samvatsara (2021-22)

Jupiter (Guru Graha) causes excess social media activism, drug abuse, corruption, psychological diseases, silver price increase during Vedic New Year Plava Nama Samvatsara (2021-22). Jupiter (Guru Graha) is the is the Dhaanyadhipati (controls cereals and grains) for Vedic New Year Plava Nama Samvatsara (2022-22). Jupiter causes … Read more

Mercury Effects in Plava Nama Samvatsara (2021-22)

Moon (Budha Graha) is the Minister for Vedic New Year Plava Nama Samvatsara (2021-22). Mercury being the minister, runs administrations with logic and tact. India will be able to sense attempts of neighbours beforehand and employ suitable measures. Army gains appreciation for their activities at border. … Read more

Vilambi Nama Samvatsara Ugadi Predictions for 2018-19

Hindu new year Sri Vilambi Nama Samvatsara Ugadi Predictions world wide, political, social in Vedic Astrology and Panchangam at 18:43 hrs IST, 17 March 2018. As new year entered around sunset, Ugadi will be celebrated on next day, 18 March 2018. It has Kanya (Virgo) Lagna … Read more

Mercury Effects in Vilambi Nama Samvatsara (2018-19)

Mercury (Budha Graha) is the is the Rasadhipati (controls beverages, defence etc) for Vedic New Year Vilambi Nama Samvatsara (2018-19). Most countries will strengthen their defence systems and increase defence budget. Productivity increases in Asian countries like China, India, Japan, Korea. Governments will promote greenery and … Read more

Saturn Effects in Vilambi Nama Samvatsara (2018-19)

Saturn (Sani Graha) is the Minister for Vedic New Year Vilambi Nama Samvatsara (2018-19). Anti Constitutional activities will increase in India. Few organizations will take advantage of their caste, religion, minority status and promote anti-establishment activities among youth. Government policies, orders will be good on paper … Read more