Fengshui literally means water and air. This is a Chinese art in which water and air could be used in a better way. Through fengshui the energy of the plot can be utilized in a better manner.
‘Yang’ fengshui proposes for the accumulation of internal energy. ‘Chi’ is that energy which is to be brought out. After that system for its internal distribution is developed which brings good health, wealth and good fate for the family.
Some Chinese philosophers used ‘Yin-Va-Yang’ as the philosphy of polarization. Yin means woman, darkness, death and water whereas Yang means man, light, accomodation and fire. Philosphers believe that the interaction between these two powers result in the formation of universe. This philosophy is similar to Sankhya philosphy. Fengshui imagines Yang-Chi ans the key factor behind life and actvity.
The fengshui experts find it very necessary to examine the land. A hospital has negative energy of ill and dead spirits accommodate a groveyard or cremation place and a police station has waves of torture and tensions. According to feng-shui these places are not appropriate. The law of cary & hold is applied in the negative form of the plot which is applicable even after rehabilatation. It is believed that this negative energy troubles the residents. It is suggested in fengshui not to use the plot with a burnt house immediately. It is necessary to replace the mud of the plot.
Dragon Chi is that energy which is obtained from a hill at the back of the plot. As a hill is not possible behind every plot a high building could be a substitute. Similarly, high buildings beside the plot has great importance. This provides stability and support when required. A broad lane in front of the plot is auspicious. This proves that open place increases the ambition of a person and brings complete change in the perception. It decreases the hurdles of life. If a high hill or a building is not possible then the back of the house should be high and the front should be low. It is applicable in every matter of fengshui whereas Indian Vastushastra suggests that north and east should always be low. In fengshui a tree at the back or in the ‘Vayarya’ is auspicious. It enhances the power of the owner. The back of the house denotes the present generation. Fengshui suggests few remedies to this problem. A big pole should be at the back of the house with a low voltage lamp. Another remedy is that arrangement should be changed in this way that the front and back become vice-versa. This will bring prosperity to life.
A plot with an elevated middle is considered unauspicious because it loses energy. Fengshui suggests that if the plot is at then it accumulates energy. This is also considered unauspicious.
A drain at the back ends support from the friends and brings ill fate to the family. Similarly, if the elevation of the plot is same even then it effects the fate. A swimming pool at the back of the house is against Fengshui.
Four important elements of fengshui are elevation at the back, an open space in the front, the left side i.e. the dragon side should have a drain and a lane on the right side i.e. the tiges side. It all the four are followed together, it brings prosperity. If the tiger’s direction is higher than dragon’s side then the friends would not support a person. Dragon side should be elevated then the tiger side. Hence, garage etc. should be on the dragon’s side.
Feng Shui Derives its principles from the Desire to work with Nature Rather than against nature, This is ascertained from its meaning, Feng Shui means wind and water. Ancient cultures recognize that our lives and destiny are closely interconnected with out environment. Our surroundings, the style of our Buildings and the interior layout of our Home/ Office, All have profound effect on us.
All Living things are endowed with and connected with the cosmetic energy (CHI), This is invisible energy permeates our surroundings and has a direct bearing on our lives, how we use this life force or the cosmetic energy to better our existence is the base of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui offers cures to remedy the situation, structural changes may not be necessary, instead Feng Shui masters or practitioner seek to bring balance and harmony in our homes by translating the concept of wind and water into placement of furniture, usage of colors, other Feng Shui enhancers to Balance the unbalanced energy.
How it works
Before we start on how it works, you have to understand everything and understand the problematic areas in your house or office, as wrong interpretation would make matters worse.
How Feng Shui works is very important, one of the most important, one of the most important things in making Feng Shui work is a clutter free home or office.
Notice the change after getting it done.
By using the various formulas in a complete balance, never over energies but maintain a correct balance.
Using the correct colors.
Placement of furniture
By using the correct energizers.
Difference between good Feng Shui and Bad Feng Shui and how you can make it work to you advantage and benefit.
Benefits of Feng Shui
The benefits of Feng Shui are many just to name a few: improved Family relations
Better Health and well being surge in prosperity and career.
Spurt in Creativity
Increased efficiency and motivation
Reduced Stress levels
Academic excellence for children
Increased support from unknown powerful people.
Recognition in ones own field of work.
A Harmonious life.