Interaction of number 8 with other numbers

Number 8 in numerologyEight is the number of endeavor and of connections.
The Karmic Lesson for Destiny Number Eight is to find strength for the collective, particularly during challenging times. You may lead others with a strong direction and a powerful will driving everyone forward with their lives, and carving a positive way forward.

You excel under most adverse circumstances, the more difficult a situation is, the more you shine. You achieve fame and administrative capabilities, hold high positions and become rich in your later part of life. If you are in politics you attain highest positions (particularly in opposition), if you are into spirituality or occultism, you become group leaders.

Your friendship, professional, romantic and matrimonial relations with people having other nature numbers is as follows :

Partner’s numberFriendshipProfessionalRomanticMarriage
1Friendship may take place.Not suitable for business relations.Romantic relationship may blossom.Not ideal for marital relationship.
2Suitable for friendship.Business relationship may be beneficial.Not suitable for romantic relationship.Not suitable for matrimonial  relationship.
3Friendship may take place.Business relationship is normal.Romantic relationship may blossom.Not suitable for marital relationship.
4Suitable for friendship.Business relationship is beneficial.Romantic relationship blossom.Compatible in marital relationship.
5Not suitable for friendship.Not suitable for business relationship.Romance may blossom.Not suitable for marital relationship.
6Suitable for friendship.Business relationship is beneficial.Romantic relationship may blossom.Compatible in marital relationship.
7Friendship may take place.Business relationship is normal.Not a very romantic relationship.Not compatible in marital relationship.
8Suitable for friendship.Business relationship is normal.Romantic relationship may blossom..Compatible in marital relationship.
9Suitable for friendship.Interaction in business matters beneficial.Romantic relationship may blossom.Compatible in marital relationship.