Ganesha, also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. His image is found throughout India, Sri Lanka and Nepal.
Hindu sects worship him regardless of affiliations. Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extends to Jains and Buddhists.
Although he is known by many attributes, Ganesha’s elephant head makes him easy to identify.
Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom.
As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rituals and ceremonies. Ganesha is also invoked as patron of letters and learning during writing sessions. Several texts relate mythological anecdotes associated with his birth and exploits and explain his distinct iconography.
In the 1000 names of Lord Ganesha, ‘OM OSHADHI PATAYE NAMAHA’ is one. Means he is the owner all medicines and their powers. That is the reason, during Ganesh Chaturdhi pooja, Lord ganesha is worshipped with 21 sacred patras or leaves. It is believed that worshipping Lord Ganesha with is favourite leaves pleases him. A pleased Ganesha will bestows strength, long life, wisdom, wealth and prosperity upon his beloved devotees. Hence 21 Patra Puja or 21 Sacred leaves worship has become an integral part of Ganesh pooja. This is the unique worshipping for Lord Ganesha.
Also, this Pooja is known to be the path to offer our body of 21 elements, Pancha Bhutas (5 great physical elements sky, air, fire, water and earth), Pancha Tanmatras (word, touch, sence, taste and smell), Pancha Jnanendriyas (ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose), Pancha Karmendriyas (feet, hands, mouth, rectum and genitals) and mind to Vinayaka “The Almighty”.
All 21 leaves are associated with 21 unique names of Lord Ganesha. Each leaf is offered while chanting a unique name Mantra of Lord Ganesha, Hence 21 Patra Pooja is also known as EKA VIMSHANTHI POOJA.
The speciality is all these leaves are not only sacred but medicinal also.
List of Ganesh Chaturthi 21 Leaves Names used in Pooja with Mantras
Machi pathram (Artmesia Vulgaris)
This grows very easily all across the globe. They grow well and possess medicinal properties. These leaves help cure the nerves related problems, stomach related problems and headaches. It also helps to ease the dry mouth and increases the appetite.
Om Sumukhaya Namah – Machi Patram Samarpayami।
Bruhathi Patram (Solanum Xanthocarpum)
This plant is not usually grown as a vegetable and can be found only in the wild or open lands. This plant grows very close to ground level and bears thorny leaves and biter fruits with thorny pods. It bears white and yellow colour flowers. These leaves are used to treat cough, heavy breathing and mucas. These fruits are collected for medicinal purposes to treat teeth infections and consumed like a vegetable for medical purposes.
Om Ganadhipayanamah – Bruhathi Patram Samarpayami|
Bilva Patram (Aegle marmelos)
These leaves are used in the worship of Shiva, who is said to favour the leaves. The tri-foliate form of leaves symbolize the trident that Shiva holds in his right hand. The fruits were used in place of coconuts before large-scale rail transportation became available. The fruit is said to resemble a skull with a white, bone-like outer shell and a soft inner part, and is sometimes called seer phael (head-fruit). However, it is quite likely that, the term ‘Seer Phal‘ has coined from the Sanskrit term ‘ShreePhal‘, which again is a common name for this fruit. Many Hindus have Bilva trees in their gardens.
Research has found the essential oil of the Bilva tree to be effective against 21 types of bacteria. It is prescribed for smooth bowel movement to patients suffering from constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.
Uma Putrayanamah – Bilva Patram Samarpayami|
Dhurvayugmam (Aruham pul) – Cynodon dactylon
Durvayugmam is also known as ‘Garika’ or ‘Bermuda Grass’ in comman man’s language. In Jaimaneya Bharatham, it was said that this grass was formed from the body hair of King Prajapathi. This grass is collected and made as garlands to offer to Lord Ganesha.
This grass improves digestion. Cures stomach ailments. It has been observed that dogs, troubled with … stomach ailments, search out and eat this grass. Hence this grass got the name ‘Dogs’ tooth grass. Bermuda grass is rich in chlorophyll, which is alkaline in nature. It also contains nutrients and minerals. It is also used as pesticide/pest control and also to control the skin diseases.
Om Ganeshayanamah – Durvayugmam Samarpayami|
Durthaara(Umathai) – Datura Metel
Datura metel is a shrub-like perennial herb, commonly known as devil’s trumpet and metel. Also known as ‘ Ummetta’, ‘Unmatta’, ‘Kanaka’.
All parts of Datura plants contain dangerous levels of tropane alkaloids (highly poisonous) and may be fatal if ingested by humans or other animals, including livestock and pets. In some places, it is prohibited to buy, sell or cultivate Datura plants.
Om Harasunavenamah- Datthura Patram Samarpayami|
Badhari (Ilandai) – ZIZYPHUS JUJUBA
This is also known as ‘Regu’. It is a very tasty fruit and helps to develop the appetite. And it helps body to develop immunity towards cuts and bruses.
This is a thorny tree, which grows in very dry conditions. Fruits of this tree are very tasty and nutritious. If the seeds of this tree is thrown, they grow themselves with very little or no care. This is a thorny tree and snakes etc. can’t enter this tree. So, sparrows and other small birds build their nests in this tree to be safe from snakes or other reptiles, which would eat their eggs. This fruit is also mentioned in Ramayanam, as Shabari offered them to Sri Rama after tasting them.
Lambodarayanamah- Badhari Patram Samarpayami|
Apaamaarga (Nayuruvi) – Achyranthes aspera
This plant grows almost like a weed. This possesses medicinal properties and are used in making tooth powder etc. Also, dried stems of this plant are used as Samith or sticks for Sudarshana Homa (fire worship) etc. Stomach pain, in-digestion and for lot of skin eczemas can be cured with these leaves.
Guhagrajaya namah – Apamarga Patram Samarpayami|
Tulasi – Ocimum Sanctum
It is highly impossible a Hindu who does not know about Tulasi. People believe Tulasi as a sacred tree. All over India, all the traditional households have a place for Tulasi in their backyard called as Tulasi Mata. It holds lot of medicinal properties and easily available. They grow very easily in open lands. This variety of Tulasi is called as Vana Tulasi and open lands with these plants are called as BrundaVanam.
Gaja Karnayanamaha – Tulasi Patram Samarpayami|
Chootha – Mangifera indica
Common name for this is Mango leaf. In places with tropical climate(s), this tree could be easily grown. These leaves are tied in the front of the main entrances etc. for all the good functions in Southern India. These leaves seem to possess good antiseptic properties. These leaves are an important part of making of Poorna Kumbham. When soaked or immersed in water, these leaves won’t get rotten even after 10 days.
Eka Dantayanamah – Choota Patram Samarpayami|
Karaveera (Arali) – Nerium Oleander/Indicum
This is also known as ‘Ganneru’. The scented flowers bloom in clusters at the end of each branch. The flowers are white, red, yellow and pink. The flowers are offered to god either separately or in the form of a garland. Oleander is one of the most poisonous of commonly grown garden plants.
Vikatayanamah – Karaveera Patram Samarpayami|
VishnuKrantha – Evolvulus alsinoides
Vishnukranta or Aparajita is a plant of great significance in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, aparajita is believed to be a Medhya drug which enhances memory and intelligence. In other words, it possesses neuroprotective capabilities. Apart from this, aparajita has also been used to cure bladder and urethra related diseases, bronchitis, ascites and in enlargement of abdominal viscera.
Bhinna Dantayanamah – Vishnu Krantha Patram Samarpayami|
Dhadimi(Mathulai) – Punica granatum
Common name for this tree is Pomegranate. These trees are mainly grown for their fruits. The seeds inside this fruit are reddish in colour and are compared to the teeth of Krishna. The seeds of this fruit is high in Iron content and other minerals/ vitamins. The flowers of this plants possess a beautiful fluorescent colour and are mentioned in various religious / Sanskrit works. The seeds of this fruit is high in Iron content and other minerals/ vitamins. The shell or membrane in the fruit is very bitter and is dried and preserved to make a tea for stomach disorders.
Vatavenamah – Dhadimi Patram Samarpayami|
Devadaru – Cedras Deodara
Commonly known as Cedar Tree which possesses lot of medicinal qualities. Due to the oils in this tree wood, it is more tolerant to water and air etc. These trees grow in colder places such as Himalayas. It helps reduce the body heat. Also treats skin diseases and chronic wounds. In addition to that, they produce resins, which can be used in producing aromatic smokes (Dhoopam).
Sarveswarayanamah – Devadaru Patram Samarpayami|
Maruvaka – Origanum Marjoram
Marjoram is cultivated for its aromatic leaves, either green or dry, for culinary purposes; the tops are cut as the plants begin to flower and are dried slowly in the shade. It is often used in herb combinations. Marjoram is used for seasoning soups, stews, dressings, and sauce.
These leaves are used with flowers to make garlands for its aroma. The essential oils are used for joint pains and also as a perfume to reduce the body odour.
Phala chandrayanamah – Maruvaka Patram Samarpayami|
Sindhuvara (Vavilaku) – Viex Nigundo
By keeping these leaves under your pillow when you sleep, you can reduce your headache. Grind the leaves to a paste and apply it on the forehead to reduce sinus problem. The flowers of this plant help to control Cholera and liver related problems. These leaves used in Ayurvedic Medicine preparations.
Herambhayanamah – Sindhuvara Patram Samarpayami|
Jaji (Jaji Malli) – Jasminum Grandiflorum
Jaji leaves are widely used as an Ayurvedic herbal medicine and its flowers are used to adorn the coiffure of women. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in warm temperate and subtropical regions. These flowers have a strong smell and both the leaves and flowers seem to possess medicinal properties.
Surpa Karnayanamah – Jaji Patram Samarpayami|
Gandaki – Solonum Nigrum
The juice of the plant is used on ulcers and other skin diseases. The fruits are used as a tonic, laxative,appetite stimulant, and for treating asthma and “excessive thirst“. Traditionally the plant was used to treat tuberculosis. It is known as peddakasha pandla koora in the Telangana region. This plant’s leaves are used to treat mouth ulcers that happen during winter periods. It is known asmanathakkali keerai in Tamil Nadu and kaage soppu in Karnataka, and apart from its use as a home remedy for mouth ulcers, is used in cooking like spinach. In North India, the boiled extracts of leaves and berries are also used to alleviate liver-related ailments, including jaundice. In Assam, the juice from its roots is used against asthma and whooping cough.
Suragrajaayanamah – Gandaki Patram Samarpayami|
Shamee (Vanni) – Prosopis spicigera
The tree is found in temples of Lord Siva and Lord Kumaraswamy and worshipped by people down the ages, locals recall as they took turns to worship it, believing that Goddess “Aparajita Devi” lived in it.
The legend has it that the Pandavas had hidden their weapons on top of the tree to hoodwink Kauravas and evade another spell of stay in the forests. They offered worship to their weapons by bringing them down from the tree top, on the auspicious Vijayadasami day, before leading a battle against Kauravas.
Ibhavaktrayanamah – shamee Patram Samarpayami|
Ashwattha – Ficus Religiosa
It is also known as the Bodhi-tree, Pippala tree, Peepal tree, Ravi tree or Ashwattha tree.
The Ficus religiosa tree is considered sacred by the followers of Hinduism,Jainism and Buddhism. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says, “I am the Peepal tree among the trees, Narada among the sages, Chitraaratha among the Gandharvas, and sage Kapila among the Siddhas“.
Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment (bodhi) while meditating underneath aFicus religiosa.
Ficus religiosa is used in traditional medicine for about 50 types of disorders including asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems and inflammatory disorders, infectious and sexual disorders.
Vinayakayanamah – Ashwattha Patram Samarpayami|
Arjuna – Terminalia Arjuna
Commonly known as Arjuna or Arjuna tree. Tella Maddi in Telugu and Marudha Maram in Tamil.
The arjuna is one of the species whose leaves are fed on by the Antheraea paphia moth which produces the tassar silk (tussah), a wild silk of commercial importance
These leaves were introduced into Ayurveda as a treatment for heart disease. It is also used in treatment of wounds, hemorrhages and ulsers applied topically as a powder. It is also an excellent medicine for Heart, it has the capability to even reduce heart failure.
Sura Sevithayanamah – Arjuna Patram Samarpayami|
Arka – Calotropis Gigantea
Arka means ‘SUN’. It is also known as Jilledu.
Root bark is useful in cough, cold and constipation. In ancient times, for poisonous snake bite, its leaves were chewed and latex was applied over the wound. Its leaves are processed with Saindhava salt to prepare a medicine called Arka Lavana, widely used in the treatment of gastritis. Its latex is applied over the gums to relieve toothache. To treat cold, keep a leaf on head and take bath. In Ayurveda, these leaves are used to treat leprosy, paralysis and 64 different diseases.
Kapilayanamah – Arka Patram Samarpayami|
Doing puja with this 21 different medicinal leaves for 9 days on morning and evening, by touching them, breathing the air around them, our body becomes completely healthy and purified, especially during this rainy season where diseases spread faster. The clay idol is drowned in the nearby lakes, wells, rivers etc. with all these leaves after 9 days. This act would cleanse the water bodies and these leaves add medicinal properties to water.
We have many secrets for health were hidden in our traditions and customs. For this Ganesh Puja we try to locate all these fantastic medicinal trees and this effort will help us in disease prevention in the upcoming winter. Each of these leaves or herbs were referred by their Sanskrit names, as this tradition has been existent for the past 4000+ years, which is long before the introduction of botanical names.