Mars Stationary Retrograde 2020 in Aries-Pisces, Effects

Mars Stationary Retrograde 2020 will be entering its own sign, Aries (Mesha) on 16 August at 10:58 IST. Saturn (Retrograde) will be aspecting this Mars until 29 September 2020. Mars has already entered Retrograde zone on 25 July and enters Stationary zone from 28 August, where … Read more

Transit MARS in Aspects to Natal SATURN

Natal Saturn is the sign where your Saturn was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Saturn in Libra, then your natal house is Libra (Thula Rasi) and during transit, MARS forming conjunction (in Libra), sextile … Read more

Mars Effects in Sarvari Nama Samvatsara (2020-21)

Mars (Kuja Graha) is the Dhaanyadhipathi(Cereals and Grains) for Vedic New Year Sarvari Nama Samvatsara (2020-21). People donate more money and food this year. But adulteration happens in packed and children food. Vegetables grown underground without exposure to sunlight, like onions, garlic, cabbage, groundnuts, carrot etc … Read more

Transit MARS in Aspects to Natal MARS

Natal Mars is the sign where your Mars was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Mars in Scorpio, then your natal house is Scorpio (Vrischika Rasi) and during transit, MARS forming conjunction (in scorpio), sextile … Read more

Transit MARS in Aspects to Natal Houses


Natal house is the sign where your LAGNA or Ascendant was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Lagna or Rising Sign in Leo, then your natal house is Leo (Simha Lagna) and during transit, Mars … Read more

Mars transit in Leo (August-September 2019), Effects

mars leo

Mars (Mangal/Kuja) will be transiting in its friendly sign Leo (Simha Rasi) during 9 August – 25 September 2019. These 51 days will bring huge relief to people born under moon signs and ascendants of Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Libra and Scorpio. Mars has been involved in … Read more