Ayurvedic Recipes for gaining Weight and Muscle

Few people are born skinny and do not gain mass or muscle weight despite multiple attempts with many types of diets. Ayurveda suggests natural and home made recipes for gaining weight and muscle within one month. Recipe No.1: Food tips: Avoid eating chocolate, outside food. Take … Read more

Ayurvedic treatment for Cholesterol Control and Obesity Reduction

Ayurveda suggests natural home made vegetarian recipes for lowering cholesterol, reducing and controlling obesity. Ayurvedic treatment for cholesterol control and Fat reduction include oil massages and vegetable diet Ayurvedic Recipes For reducing Obesity Method 1 : Take 1/4 Liter mild water. Add 2 tea spoons of … Read more

Natural Ayurvedic Contraceptive Methods

Instead of consuming chemical based contraceptives and polluting the entire reproductions system of a woman or going for risky and expensive abortions, these Ayurvedic safe methods can be used to avoid pregnancy. Natural Ayurvedic Contraceptive Methods for Women 1. Take fresh castor seeds, break them, and … Read more

Remedies for Malefic Saturn in Horoscope

As the slowest moving planet and the chief signification for longevity, Saturn is a barren, binding, cold, dry, hard, defensive and secretive planet. Its effects and influences are felt with greater intensity and for longer periods than any other planet. Saturn is considered to be very … Read more

Regrow hair on Bald Heads Naturally

Grow New Hair on scalp using tripala powder, radish/white onion and Black Sesame seeds oil Don’t worry if you are balding. You don’t have to go for expensive medicines, which may have side-effects on your reproductive system. You don’t have to go for expensive and risky … Read more