Mercury Effects in Viswavasu Nama Samvatsara (2025-26)

Mercury is the Sasyadhipati (Agriculture) and Neerasadhipati (diseases) for Vedic New Year Viswavasu Nama Samvatsara (2025-26). Agriculture lands get more expensive. Agricultural Scientists will discover new methods to cultivate more crops. Farmers make more profits compared to last year. Sale of rice, spices, cotton, tobacco, oil … Read more

Effects of Mars transits in 2013-14

Due to ownership and transit effects of Mars in Vijaya Nama Samvatsara (2013-14), land related disputes will increase. Land mafia will control real estate business in many states and countries (especially south india). Internal disputes among siblings, family members will increase. Civil cases in courts related … Read more

Effects of Moon transits in 2013-14

During 2013-14 (Vijaya Nama Samvastara) Moon control production of cereals, tobacco, marijuana, all vegetables that grow inside soil without exposure of sunlight like carrots, onions, peanuts etc. Production of white colored cerals and rice will increase. People will donate food but adulteration will continue. All cereals, … Read more

Effects of Moon in 2012-13

Moon controls agriculture in the year 2012-13 (Nandana Nama Samvatsara). It will be a moderate year for farmers and food supply will be adequate, even though few natural calamities will destroy the crops multiple times. Soft drinks will be proven as hazardous to health by scientists. … Read more

Effects of Venus in 2012-13

Venus is both king and minister in the year 2012-13 (Nandana Nama Samvatsara) and this will bring noticeable changes in administration. Heads of governments will take unilateral decisions and this will cause some unrest among cabinet minsiters and officials. Due to venus’s transits and effects, alcoholism … Read more