Jupiter combust between April – May 2012, Effects

Jupiter(Brihaspati) will be conjuct with Sun and will become combust between 28th april – 28th may 2012. Every year Sun goes through same sign in which Jupiter is transiting and when distance between both planets is less than 11 degrees. During this period, which is called … Read more

Effects of Moon in 2012-13

Moon controls agriculture in the year 2012-13 (Nandana Nama Samvatsara). It will be a moderate year for farmers and food supply will be adequate, even though few natural calamities will destroy the crops multiple times. Soft drinks will be proven as hazardous to health by scientists. … Read more

Effects of Saturn in 2012-13

Slowest moving planet Saturn, during 2012-13 year (Sri Nandana Nama new year) will control agriculture and production of grains, cereals and fruits. Rice and wheat will be out of stock and there will be scarcity of food grains this year. Prices of peanuts, fenugreek, sesame seeds, … Read more

Effects of Jupiter in 2012-13

Jupiter is the commander-in-chief for 2012-13 year (Sri Nandana Nama new year) and he also controls rainfall, clouds, natural calamities, religious activities, scientific research, education, behaviour of youth etc in this year. People will be inclined towards ancient literature and traditions. Police will become softer and … Read more

Earthquakes And Other Natural Calamities

Human beings suffer from their own actions and action of the King (Government). In addition, they suffer from the action of GOD in various facets of life-unexpected deaths and other injuries. For example, calamities come from fire, accidents, (both by trains, buses and aeroplanes), storms, earthquakes … Read more