Venus in 2015-16 increases women in all types of crime.
Modern technology, chemical weapons will be used for new methods of crime and terrorism.
Narcotics, drugs, pesticides, chemicals will be available everywhere. More number of murders, suicides happen in new found ways.
Gun culture will spread to smaller towns and villages.
More flowers and less fruits will be produced in Manmadha Nama Samvatsara (2015-16).
Farmers will be encouraged to grow more medicinal plants, herbs described in Ayurveda.
More sandalwood (Red) would be smuggled out of South India.
Plants like Cannabis (marijuana), Blue Agaves (used to make Tequila), Aswagandha and other stamina (sexual) boosters, diabetes controlling vegetables like bitter gourd and other herbs continue to be in demand.
alcoholism, drug usage increases and few sports persons will be caught for doping.
Fake babas and gurus will increase this year, even after few being exposed by media.
Influential and dominant families, races will be challenged and taken over by new power groups.
Religiousness increases among youth but religion becomes ‘BIG‘ business.
Spiritual people are forced to leave religious places and mafia takes over in many places across the world.
Court interventions can provide some relief to genuine people in religion.
People will eat more junk food and their digestive systems will become weaker.
Food and water cannot quench hunger and thirst.