Interaction of number 9 with other numbers

Number 9 in numerologyIn Numerology, Nine is the number of law, balance and completion.
It is symbolized by three interlaced triangles, which is the sign of perfection and completion.
In the numerological account of creation, God used the power of the number Nine to finish his work.
Any number when added with NINE, will return its original total.

You are interested in all good things of life, love romance and adventure and believe that life is for enjoyment and sharing .
You follow your inner self to seek truth and refinement.
You are fair and always try to adopt right means to arrive at truth.
You have the right intuition and delve deeper into truth.
You are destined to be busy forever and dislike taking rest.

Your friendship, professional, romantic and matrimonial relations with people having other nature numbers is as follows :

Partner’s numberFriendshipProfessionalRomanticMarriage
1Friendship may take place.Business relationship may be beneficial.Romantic relationship may blossom.Compatible in marital relationship.
2Friendship may take place.Business relationship is normal.Not a very romantic relationship.Not an ideal marital relationship.
3Suitable for friendship.Business relationship is beneficial.Romantic relationship may blossom.Ideal compatibility in marital relationship.
4Not suitable for friendship.Not suitable for business relationship.Secret romantic relationship may blossom.Not compatible in marital relationship.
5Friendship may take place.Business relationship is normal.Not a very romantic relationship.Not compatible in marital relationship.
6Suitable for friendship.Business relationship is beneficial.Romantic relationship blossom.Ideal for marital relationship.
7Not suitable for friendship.Not suitable for business relationship either.Romantic relationship may blossom.Not suitable for marital relationship.
8Not long lasting friendship.Only good for short term business relationship.Not a very romantic relationship.Not compatible for marriage.
9Friendship may take place.Business relationship is normal.Romantic relationship may blossom.Not ideal for marital relationship.