Jupiter (Brihaspati) will be conjuct with Sun and gets combust between 12 August 2015 (09:26 hrs IST) and 10 September 2015 (18:58 hrs IST).
During this combustion period, Jupiter gets within 11 degrees to Sun and loses its power to deliver positive or negative effects on our planet.
During this period of Guru Moudyami, positive effects of Jupiter will be drastically reduced and people who follow vedic astrology, do not perform any auspicious ceremonies such as buying and selling of properties, initiation of new mantra, weddings, engagements, house warming, launching of new business, new constructions etc.
Venus, the another largest benefic planet will also remain combust between 10-21 August 2015 and will be in close proximity with Jupiter.
This collective combustion of Jupiter and Venus brings down gold price, reduces positive energy on earth, sensitive human relations, helping nature among humans, philanthropy, love etc.
When Jupiter and Venus remain ineffective, bad karmic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars takeover and give their results at the maximum level.
Majority will be misguided by extremist thoughts like religious terrorism, driven by lust, greed, selfishness etc.
These 29 days are only suitable for planning, re-arranging, discussions but not for starting or executing any idea.
If you are expecting a major positive turnaround in your life, then you better wait or postpone your plan until 11 September 2015. Finalization of all major deals better be postponed to beyond that date.
Jupiter Combust 2015 during August – September, Effects on Zodiac Moon Signs
According to Vedic Astrology, people born under moon signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius must be expecting to experience positive effects of Jupiter in Leo, but they will have to wait for one more month.
This is the right time to work on your diet, start a new fitness routine, weight reduction processes etc.
Diabetic patients can expect some relief but family relations will continue to be strained during this period.
Saturn aspecting Sun and Jupiter can be problematic for people suffering from nervous disorders, relations with father will not be good.
Jupiter squares Saturn makes Optimism and pessimism fight. Watch out for mood swings, be patient from 03 August.
07 August is best day for thinking big and for long range planning as Jupiter conjuncts Mercury.
People with heart diseases, low blood pressure, low sodium levels, kidney stones, liver diseases in body will suffer.
If you are born with combust Jupiter (Guru) in your horoscope, then all positivity and hope will diminish during these 29 days.
The only good day for romance is 15 August when Sun completely takes over Venus.
As Sun squares Saturn from 17 August till end of that month, it is better to stick with routine and watchout for obstacles.
Avoid all difficult tasks.
By last week of August 2015, all unstable minds will be stabilized and confidence will slowly start increasing which helps in taking practical decisions by September.
People born under Moon Signs of Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces should keep their phones, passwords, emails, sensitive data secured.
Avoid new loans and maintain good diet with sound sleep.